My Thoughts on Dignity  

Posted by: wiseindisguise

Dignity is my self worth, my pride, my honor and my value. I have realized that I have dignity in every role I play in life. I have dignity as a woman, dignity as a mother, dignity as a worker, dignity as a friend, etc. Each role in life creates its own dignity in me.

It is possible to loose one dignity while the others are still preserved. A few weeks ago, I experienced just that. After watching some videos on the Internet, my dignity as a woman crashed. As a woman I felt degraded and that caused a lot of emotions in me, ranging from sadness to anger. As a woman, I identified with the women I saw and I felt personally ashamed. It took me a day or two to get my balance back, the balance of the woman in me. I had to accept that other women have the right to do what they want to do no matter how much I disagree with them. That allowed me to disconnect from them and regain my dignity as a woman. I need to remember that I am an individual, responsible only for my own actions.

Perhaps I never really lost my dignity, I only lost a view of it. My ignorance and lack of acceptance of the choices of other women clouded my vision. Accepting them made me see and feel my dignity again.

I think the best idea is to stick to our most basic role in life, the role of a human. On this level we are all equal and in my view, that's the easiest dignity to build. Yes, we build dignity as we learn more about ourselves in each role we play.